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Crìochan Prìomh Bhaile Haileafags

Cleachdaidhean nam Féilltean



`S e prìomh stuthan na fuaraige uachdar agus min-choirce. Uairean, bidh rud beag do dh’uisge-beatha `ga chur ann rithe. Aig àm na Samhna, gus fiosachd a dhèanadh, chuireadh `s an fhuaraig a bharrachd putan, fàinne, meuran `s bonn-airgid. Dh’ innseadh na rudan seo do luchd a ghabhadh i na bhiodh ann mar shuidheachadh pearsanta dhaibh `s an tìm ri teachd.

Neach-aithris: Séidheag Nic’illeMhaoil

Fuarag is made with a mixture of cream, oatmeal and sometimes a little whiskey. At Halloween time, items such as a button, ring, penny or thimble would be added to the fuarag. As a yearly tradition, visitors would eat from the same fuarag bowl to predict their future circumstances.

See video

A description of the ingredients for fuarag, a traditional oatmeal dish, also used in a Halloween divination custom.