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The Living Bridge

The Living Bridge is intended to host uploaded materials drawn from Nova Scotia Gaelic cultural expression and aesthetics. Acceptable categories, as demonstrated throughout An Drochaid website, include song, stories, music, associated dance and folklore. Please observe the criteria for uploading traditional representations and relevant information to The Living Bridge.

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Billy MacPhì

Rugadh Billidh Mac-a-Phì ann am Bràigh na h-Aibhne, Abhainn Denys. Dh’éirich e suas ann an coimhearsnachd air leth ceòlmhor. B'e cuid dha nàbaidhean fìdhlearan mar a bha Eòs `s Dòmhnall MacIllFhaolain, Eòs MacCormaic agus Pàdraig Cogswell. Ged `s e am bogs' a sheinneadh athair, lean Billidh, `s a bhràithrean, air bràthair an athar, Amos, agus thog iad an fhìdheall uile.

Dh’fhuirich Billidh ann am Baile Shudnaidh fad bhliadhnaichean far a robh e air fhastadh ann aig muileann na stàilinn. Bha e `na thoileachadh dha a chluich aig dannsaichean agus mu choinneamh luchd-éisteachd aig cuirmean-ciùil, ceilidhean agus anns na taighean altraim. B'ann à Colbhasa a bha Cloinn-a-Phì seo an toiseach.

Born in Lower River Inhabitants, Billy MacPhee grew up in a community rich in musical tradition; his neighbours included violinists “Baby” Joe and Donald MacLellan, Joe MacCormack and Patrick Cogswell. Although his father played the accordion, Billy and his brothers followed their uncle Amos MacPhee’s footsteps and picked up the violin. Billy’s ancestors were emigrants from the Isle of Colonsay. Billy resided in Sydney for years and made a living at the Steel Plant. He loved playing for dances and enjoyed entertaining audiences every kind, often performing in concerts, ceilidhs and nursing homes.

Airneo, faodaidh tu facal, na teirm, a shireadh mar `s math leat

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