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Crìochan Prìomh Bhaile Haileafags

Gàidhlig `s a' Mhór-roinn

An Dùn


Bhon dh’fhosgail Àrd-sgoil an Dùin `s an t-Sultainn 2007, tha Gàidhlig air a bhith mar phàirt ann. Le taic bho Roinn an Fhoghlaim, tha Àrd-sgoil an Dùin air a bhith `g àrdachadh inbhe na Gàidhlig. Chuireadh Comann Gàidhlig An Dùin air chois as deaghaidh do bhuidheann  oileanach is luchd-teagaisg a thighinn còmhla gach seachdainn gus eòlas fhaighinn air cuspairean a bhuineas do chultar na Gàidhlig.

Neach-aithris: Seumas Watson

Since the opening of Citadel High in September 2007, Gaelic has been a part of the school culture.  With help from the Department of Education, Citadel pledged to promote Gaelic culture, language, tradition and history. An Dùn, the Gaelic club, was born after a group of interested students and teachers began meeting weekly to explore different aspects of the language and culture.

See video

© Communications Nova Scotia
Céilidh An Dùin, Samhainn 2011.

Annual Citadel High School céilidh, November 2011.
© Communications Nova Scotia